You'll also need to sign up for a subscription if you want to protect more than a single email address, with the subscription covering up to eight, which should be more than enough for most folks. If the free tier isn't quite enough for you, if your account is on another service like BT, Verizon, Virgin, etc, then you will need to sign up for a paid subscription. Not only that, if the address you want to protect is a Gmail, Yahoo, or Microsoft/Outlook account, then you can keep using SecureMyEmail entirely free. The only thing you need to hand over is the email address you want to secure. You don't have to hand over any personal details or even payment information to get started. There's no charge to sign up for an account SecureMyEmail boasts an easy-to-use service that takes the stress out of securing your emails, all without having to change your email or move to a new service! I loved that, unlike other secure email providers like Startmail or Tutanota, SecureMyEmail works alongside popular services such as Yahoo, Outlook and Gmail rather than being a replacement for them, and you don't need to be a tech pro to get set up and make your emails more secure. Click through to the email provider's website for more information about their service. All of these services will keep your private emails private and are great alternatives to Gmail, Outlook, and other services that sell your data to the highest bidder. The best free secure Email providers: In-depth analysisīelow we have listed the 5 most secure free email providers.

This means that when you send and receive emails, you know that only you can access the contents of those emails. While secure email options don’t necessarily get masses of storage space, and all the extra features that come with a Google account, you do get secure encrypted messaging. In this guide, we'll show you our favourites. The good news is that there are plenty of secure email providers on the market that provide a simple, single address service for free. If you are sick of having your privacy invaded, you may be wondering if it is possible to start getting better email security for free.

And have even been caught providing access to the contents of emails for government snoops at the NSA. Those services have been shown to scan user’s emails for advertising data. Secure email solutions are growing in popularity as more and more people are choosing to leave insecure email providers such as Outlook, Yahoo, and Gmail. These are the best free secure email providers